在即将兴建的天然气管道建设工程中,塔吉克斯坦—吉尔吉斯斯坦公路(塔—吉公路)将作为其主要施工运输通道,该公路的各专项工程,包括桥梁、道路、边坡等技术状况、承载能力,将对施工运输起到关键影响。因此,塔—吉路修复保通工程是十分必要的。依托该项目,对该工程既有桥梁现状进行了调查研究,在此基础上对既有30T梁的通行安全进行了评估。基于本文的计算和评估建议,本次保障方案设计的加固方案原则上按不增加原结构恒载,加固方案简便可行为原则;对新建的30 m T梁,因其承载能力能满足重车通行要求,可暂不对其加固。该结论指导了该工程桥梁修复设计,对同类工程的设计及施工具有参考意义。
Natural gas pipeline project is the main construction transport corridor of Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan highway. Special-en-gineering of the road, including technical conditions and carrying capacity of bridges, roads and side slope will play a key role in construction transportation. Therefore, engineering of restoration and keeping open is very necessary. Based on the project, the paper was studied and analyzed existing status of bridge. On that basis, the paper was evaluated existing 30T girder. According to calculation and assessment of thesis, the reinforcement scheme was increased dead load of in principle (principle of simple and feasibility); for new 30m T girder, it is necessary to reinforce because its bearing capacity can satis-fy the requirement of heavy truck traffic. The conclusion was guided restoration and design of the project, which had the positive reference meaning for design and construction of similar projects.
Sci-tech Innovation and Productivity
bridge construction
safety evaluation
30T girder