
论政府与市场 被引量:15

On Government and the Market
摘要 政府与市场的关系是现代社会的核心问题。关于政府与市场的关系,各国经过长期的实践已形成共识:政府与市场协同发挥作用。在资源配置中,市场应当发挥主导作用或决定性作用,但并不等于市场决定一切,因为市场经济中客观存在的市场失灵、市场缺陷,正是需要政府发挥作用的领域。中国围绕建立健全社会主义市场经济体制,对政府与市场关系的认识逐步深化,中国特色社会主义理论体系不仅成功指导了中国经济体制从计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制的转变,创立了社会主义市场经济体制并引导这一体制逐步完善,而且在政府与市场的关系上形成了一系列新思想新认识。通过明确经济发展的内涵、政府与市场的关系、政府与市场发挥作用的边界和政府履行职能的手段,中共十八届三中全会《决定》系统、全面、深入地阐释了政府与市场的关系,为政府职能的全面转变和社会主义市场经济体制的进一步完善指明了道路。 The relationship between government and the market is the core problems of modern society. After a long- term practice, countries have formed a consensus on the relationship between government and the market: Government and market integration Functions together. In the allocation of resources, the market should play a leading role or a decisive role, but it does not mean the market can decide everything. The objective existence of market failures, market imperfections in the market economy is just the basis which field the government to play an important role. Focusing on establishing and improving Chinese socialist market economic system, the relationship between the government and the market in our country has been gradually deepening understanding. Theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics not only successfully guided Chinese economy changes from a planried economy to a socialist market economic system, created a social- ist market economic system and boots the system gradually improving, but also formed a series of new ideas and new knowledge in the relationship between the government and the market. Through clearing the connotation of economic development, the relationship between government and the market, the role boundary of the government and the market, and the means of the government to carry out its functions, the " Decision" worked out by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CCP systematically, comprehensively and deeply interpreted the relationship between the government and the market, cleared the path for the comprehensive transformation of government functions and to further improve the socialist market economic system.
作者 杜飞进
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第2期34-44,共11页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 现代市场经济 政府与市场 运作机理 边界 modern market economy government and the market mechanism of operation boundary
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