
丙型肝炎抗体S/CO值与RNA定量检测结果相关关系的初步探讨 被引量:1

Study on the Relationship between S/CO (signal to cutoff) Value of the Anti-HCV Assay and the Result of Quantitative HCV RNA Detection
摘要 目的探讨免疫发光法检测丙肝抗体S/CO(signaltocutoff)值与HCVRNA检测阳性率之间的关系。方法对1111例丙肝患者行HCV抗体和HCVRNA的实验室检测,以抗体水平进行分段统计,并以HCVRNA检测结果为参考采用ROC曲线评价S/CO值对丙肝患者的诊断效能。结果HCVRNA阳性率随s/co值的增大而升高,S/CO值在0~1时.HCVRNA阳性率为1.09%;在1~5时,阳性率为5.06%;在5~8时,阳性率为24.5%;8~10时,为50%;〉10,阳性率为100%。同时发现,S/CO值较低时HCVRNA阳性病例多为HIV/HCV共感染患者。根据ROC曲线可知,S/CO最佳诊断界值为6.94.此时诊断灵敏度和特异度均为93%。结论丙肝抗体S/CO值与HCVRNA检测结果较一致,临床实践中可参考S/CO值,并充分考虑患者实际情况,以合理选择检验项目,提高诊断效能。 Objective To investigate the statistical relationship between S/CO (signal to cutoff) value of the anti-HCV assay and the positive rate of quantitative HCV RNA detection. Methods Anti HCV assay and quantitative HCV RNA detection were performed for 1 lll patients with HCV infection. The detection results were divided into several groups for further a- nalysis according to the value of S/CO. Based on quantitative HCV RNA detection,ROC curve was employed to evaluate the detection efficacy of anti-HCV assay. Results The positive detection rate of the quantitative HCV RNA increased along with the rising value of S/CO. When the value of the S/CO was between 0 ~ 1,1 ~ 5,5 ~ 8,8 ~ 10 and 〉 10, the positive de- tection rate of quantitative HCV RNA turned out to be 1.09% ,5. 06%,24.5% ,50 % and 100% ,respectively. Moreover,the majority of patients with low values of S/CO and positive HCV RNA were proved to he HIV/HCV coinfected. The ROC curve revealed that the cut-off value of the S/CO was 6.94 based on quantitative HCV RNA detection,and both the sensitiv ity and specificity were 93% at this point. Conclusion The value of S/CO correlates well with quantitative HCV RNA de- tection. In order to increase the detection efficacy,the clinical state of the individuals should be taken into consideration for orooerly selection of laboratory items.
出处 《现代检验医学杂志》 CAS 2014年第1期88-89,93,共3页 Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine
基金 上海市科委西医引导类项目(124119a1200).
关键词 S CO值 HCV RNA定量 诊断效能 the value of the S/CO quantitative HCV RNA detection detection efficacy
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