苏中包括南通、扬州、泰州 3市及所属 1 5个县 (市 )。苏中既是一个地域概念 ,也是一个经济发展区划概念。苏中是江苏的经济次发达地区 ,历史上曾有过数度辉煌 ,后因诸多原因失去了区位优势。随着经济社会的发展 ,判断区位优势的标准也发生了变化。新世纪里 ,苏中新的区位优势已经显现。交通格局的改变构建了“黄金十字通道” ,丰富清洁的水资源是可持续发展的必要条件 ,南水北调工程和海上苏东建设为苏中创造了新的机遇 ,相对廉价的劳动力为苏中经济发展提供了较大的空间 。
Central Jiangsu comprises Nantong, Yangzhou and Taizhou, together with the 15 subordinate counties (county level municipalities). The term Central Jiangsu' is both a geographic concept and an economic concept of regional development. As a sub developed area of the province, Central Jiangsu experienced several times of prosperity in history and lost its locational superiority afterwards for a variety of reasons. With the development of economy and society, the criterion for the judgment of locational superiority has changed. In the new century, Central Jiangsu is gaining new locational superiority. The alteration of its transportation layout yields the golden cross passage'. Its plentiful clean water resources meet the necessary condition for sustainable development. The project of transferring water from the south to the north' and the seaside construction in the eastern Jiangsu promise new opportunities. The relatively cheap labor force provides vast room for economic development. The acceleration of urbanization also advances the all round development of its economy and society.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
江苏省教委重点项目!( 98SJBZ70 0 0 1)