高校教师道德政策性建设 ,要注意现行法律法规中的职业道德规范要求、世代流传下来的师德规范和校规校纪中的教师职业道德要求三个层面的协调配合 ;要建立三个机制 ,即有效的导向机制、科学的评价机制、有力的奖惩机制 ;要关注三个领域 ,力争教书育人、管理育人、服务育人三位一体 ;同时在这一过程中要注意政策的针对性。
To construct the policy morality for teachers in colleges and universities, we should pay attention to the coordination of the occupation morality demands in present laws and regulations, in the traditional-teachers-norms and the demands for teachers in school regulations. Three mechanisms are to be established: the effective guidance, the scientific evaluations and forceful rewards and punishments. We should attempt to educate people with teaching, administration and service; at the same time, the policy should be connective, effective and creative.
Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)