
出口固定投入成本与扩展边际:国外研究述评 被引量:2

Fixed Input Costs on Export and Extensive Margin: A Review of Literature Abroad
摘要 贸易持续平稳增长是各国经济发展的目标之一。出口固定投入成本与扩展边际是国际经济学从贸易便利化角度探索贸易持续平稳增长的新方向。本文基于对"贸易遗失之谜"、"贸易集中"和"变化的出口固定投入成本"现象的解释,对国外出口固定投入成本影响扩展边际的理论和实证研究进行梳理和总结,并认为未来的研究方向有四个:一是使用更细分的数据研究差异程度不同的产品扩展边际的动态变化;二是出口固定投入成本同多产品企业出口之间相互作用的内在机理;三是影响出口固定投入成本的微观基础;四是贸易便利化对贸易的微观影响机制。 Continued and steady trade growth is one of the national econom- ic development goals. Fixed input costs on export and extensive margin are the forefront area of international economics, which is also the new direction to seek continued and steady trade growth from the perspective of trade facilitation. Based on explanations of phenomena including "trade loss mystery" , "trade con- centration" and "variance in fixed input costs on export" , this paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on how fixed input costs on export affect extensive margin. After clarifying the thread of existing researches, this paper summarizes four directions for future study: using more disaggregated trade data to inspect the dynamic change of extensive margins of products with different variation degrees, examining the intrinsic mechanism of the interaction between fixed input costs on export and the multi-product firm export, investigating into the micro factors which affect the nature and composition of fixed input costs of export, and exploring the micro mechanism through which trade facilitation af- fects trade.
作者 张凤 孔庆峰
出处 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期167-176,共10页 Journal of International Trade
基金 APEC贸易投资自由化和便利化特别账户项目"APEC实施e-CO跨境传输准备情况研究"的阶段性研究成果~~
关键词 出口固定投入成本 扩展边际 异质性企业 贸易便利化 Fixed input costs on export Extensive margin Heterogeneousfirm Trade facilitation
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