
空间外差光谱仪干涉仪组件的容差分析 被引量:4

Study on the Performance Indexes of Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer Influenced by Elements Tolerances
摘要 利用空间外差光谱仪理论模型对由两臂分束器、光楔隔片、光楔、光栅隔片及光栅组成的十胶合干涉仪组件各元件容差进行模拟,采用非序列仿真获取干涉图,经傅里叶变换后得到仪器入射光谱曲线,分析干涉仪组件中元件容差对系统性能指标产生的影响,指出了空间外差干涉仪各元件的加工和胶合容差。各元件的角度容差、中心厚度容差、光栅刻线密度、光栅刻线方向转角容差以及光谱仪两臂的一致性都会对系统性能指标产生影响。同时,根据上述容差约束制造的空间外差光谱仪样机经定标获取的系统性能指标与其理论设计一致性很好,满足系统的容差范围。 The system performance index of spatial heterodyne spectrometer (SHS) influenced by elements tolerances, which include the angle tolerances, thickness tolerances, index of inconsistency and so on, is analyzed through processing interference images with non-sequence model of spatial heterodyne spectroscopy. Following the grade of the manufacturing tolerance put forward by non-sequence model, and incident spectrum of SHS recovered by Fourier transformation, the prototype instrument of SHS is built and tested in the laboratory, and the performance characteristics are verified. The goal is to design an interferometer that all components do not need any further position or angle adjustment. According to distribution results of tolerance by analysis, the instrument is produced, and the results show that the instrument performance indexes are in agreement with the theoretical characterization.
出处 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期304-308,共5页 Acta Optica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(41301373) 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院青年人才专项(Y03RC21123)
关键词 光谱学 空间外差光谱仪 系统指标 元件容差 干涉图 spectroscopy spatial heterodyne spectrometer performance index elements tolerances interferenceimage
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