本文采用常压烧结工艺制备ZrO2 增韧莫来石陶瓷 (ZTM)。通过调整ZrO2 、Y2 O3 含量制得不同组成的ZTM材料 ,其强度随ZrO2 加入量的增加经历了先上升而后下降的过程。在不同组成下 ,材料的强韧化机理不同。当ZrO2 ≤ 30vol%时 ,ZTM材料是以应力诱导相变增韧为主 ;ZrO2 >30vol% (如ZTM4 0 (2Y) ) ,材料则以微裂纹 ,裂纹偏转等强韧化机理为主 ;并且分散相ZrO2 晶粒的大小及分布均匀性等对强韧化机理的发挥有很大影响。
ZrO 2 toughened mullite ceramics (ZTM) were fabricated by pressureless technique.The effects of ZrO 2 and Y 2O 3 content on the mechanical properties and the strengthening toughening mechanisms were discussed.It was found that the flexural strength of ZTM ceramics increased with the increase of ZrO 2 content from 0~30vol% and then decreased with the increasing of ZrO 2 .The strengthening and toughening mechanisms of ZTM were related with the composition.The ZTM 30 (3Y)(ZrO 2≤30vol%) material with high strength and toughness attributed to stress induced tetragonal monoclinic transformation of ZrO 2;but the microcrack toughening and crack deflection were the major strengthening and toughening mechanism of ZTM 40 (2Y) material (ZrO 2>30vol%);meanwhile,the size and distribution of ZrO 2 particulates can greatly affect the function of strengthening and toughening mechanism.
Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society