
近视眼遗传机制的研究现状与展望 被引量:3

Research Status and Prospects of Myopia Genetics
摘要 近视是极为常见的眼屈光不正状态且全世界各国发病率均越来越高,已成为危害人们视觉健康的重要问题。近年来国内外学者们从流行病学、动物模型、人类群体遗传学等角度,采用多种遗传学研究手段和策略,探索近视眼相关遗传基因,以期阐明该病的分子遗传学机理并最终寻找到防治近视的有效途径,已取得了一系列的成果和进展。近年来相关的遗传研究证实了近视眼的发病包含遗传因素。家系连锁分析最早定位了一系列连锁区域、位点;近视候选基因的定位研究发现了众多关联位点,但目前均未能最终明确具体的致病基因。提示了非综合征型近视眼是一种多基因复杂性疾病/性状,尚需进行大量的工作以阐明近视眼的遗传机制。 Myopia, the most common type of refractive error, is increasing worldwide and has become a principle cause of visual impairment. Many scholars have examined the myopia - related genes in recent years by various genetics techniques and strategies. It is attempted to elucidate the genetic mechanism of myopia in many epidemiological, animal or human population genetic studies in order to eventually seek an effective approach to prevention and treatment of myopia. A great deal of progress has been made. Genetic studies have demonstrated that genetic factors are involved in the development of myopia. Family - based linkage analysis located a series of myopia - related genetic regions and loci. The location for the candidate genes of myopia revealed a number of related lo-ci. The identification of susceptibility genes establishes myopia as a complex disorder/traits influ-enced by multiple genetic factors. However, the precise myopia - causing genes have yet to be iden-tified. A lot of work is needed to dissect the genetic mechanism of myopia.
出处 《医学分子生物学杂志》 CAS 2014年第2期119-124,共6页 Journal of Medical Molecular Biology
关键词 基因 遗传学 近视 流行病学 enes genetics myopia epidemiology
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