
平行语料库与翻译教学的跨文化视域融合 被引量:7

An Intercultural Approach to Parallel Corpus- based Teaching of Translation
摘要 基于跨文化视角探讨(汉英)翻译教学中平行语料库的运用是当前学科建设的前沿问题。汉语原语文本和英语译本包含的文化差异对翻译结果具有重要影响。引入跨文化沟通理论,构建跨文化框架,实现跨文化空间视域的融合,在翻译过程中进行引导和调停以解决文化差异问题尤为必要。因此,在翻译教学中关注和探讨平行语料库的作用、局限性及语料库设计的发展前景也是题中之义。 This paper will examine the potential use of parallel corpus in teaching translation from an intercul- tural perspective. To achieve this objective, the application of an intercultural approach to translation in the classroom is explored with an interest in highlighting the value of intercultural knowledge to the translation process. The paper also discusses the pedagogical use of parallel corpora for the training of translators and the identification of current limitations, as well as new and promising developments in corpus design for translation education.
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第12期39-43,共5页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 广州市哲学社会科学规划课题(11Y80) 广州市教育科学"十二五"规划第一批课题(11A139) 2011年度广州大学社科基金项目"跨文化交际伦理规范研究"(JXP1-2217)阶段性成果
关键词 平行语料库 翻译研究 跨文化框架 英语和汉语语料库 parallel corpus translation teaching intercultural framework English and Chinese corpora
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