
铝液保温炉热工行为的数值模拟 被引量:1

Numerical simulation of thermal behaviors of an aluminum holding furnace
摘要 通过耦合用户自定义的热负荷波动变化模型及铝液温度控制模型建立了倾动式铝液保温炉热工行为的数学模型,运用计算流体力学软件FLUENT UDF和FLUENT Scheme混合编程实现了铝液保温炉运行过程的数值解析,对铝液保温炉特性要因进行热工特性分析,结果分析表明:标况下的计算结果与实验结果吻合较好;随着空气预热温度的提高,铝液温度上升较快;采用富氧助燃时,铝液温度上升较快,但铝液温度相对标准差较大;烟道位于燃烧器同侧时,铝液温度上升较快,且铝液温度相对标准差比烟道异面时小。 By coupling user - defined heat load and liguid aluminum temperature control model, mathematical model of thermal behaviors of a tilting - type aluminum holding furnace was established and implemented using mixed programming of FLUENT UDF and FLUENT Scheme, and thermal characteristics of aluminum holding furnaces under different factors were analyzed. For standard case, the results show that calculation results agree well with the experi- mental results. As increasing air preheated temperature, liquid aluminum temperature rises quickly. While adopting oxygen - rich combustion, liquid alu- minum temperature rises fast, but relative standard deviation of liquid aluminum temperature becomes great. When burners and flue locate on the same side, liquid aluminum temperature rises fast, and relative standard deviation of molten aluminum temperature is less than that under the opposite side.
出处 《轻金属》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期32-37,共6页 Light Metals
基金 国家自然科学青年基金(编号:51206001)
关键词 铝液保温炉 热工行为 数值解析 热负荷 aluminum holding furnace thermal behaviors numerical simulation heat load
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