
仿昆扑翼微飞行器中高效传动铰链的研究 被引量:9

Efficient Flexures for Insect-Like Flapping-Wing Micro Aerial Vehicle
摘要 针对仿昆扑翼微飞行器对高效传动铰链的要求,从几何约束、应力条件、临界屈曲条件等方面,结合电磁驱动仿昆扑翼微飞行器对异质复合型柔性铰链进行了研究,给出了铰链的设计方法;研究了预应力对整个传动机构并联刚度以及铰链连接方式对整个传动机构串联刚度的影响;得到了传动机构中各铰链的宽度、厚度、长度、旋转刚度等设计参数.结果表明,整个传动机构的串联刚度是其并联刚度的135倍,满足了高效传递能量的要求;翅膀扑打角峰峰值达到了99.6°,较好符合了仿昆扑翼微飞行器的设计要求. In order to design efficient flexures for the insect-like flapping-wing micro aerial vehicle, researches on heterogeneous compound flexures in electromagnetic flapping-wing aerial vehicles were conducted, taking into consideration the geometric constraint, stress and critical buckling conditions. The flexure design methods were given. Besides, the effect of the orientation of flexures on the overall parallel stiffness and that of the pre-stressing on the overall serial stiffness were also examined. Flexure dimensions of width, thickness, length and rotational stiffness for transmission gear were provided. The simulation resuits show that the overall serial stiffness is 135 times as big as the overall parallel stiffness, making possible highly efficient energy transmission. Moreover, the peak-to-peak stroke angle can reach 99.6°, which meets the design requirement for the insect-like flapping wing micro aerial vehicle.
出处 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期439-444,共6页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET 10-0583) 教育部支撑项目(62501040303) 国防项目(9140A26020313JW03371)
关键词 扑翼微飞行器 复合型柔性铰链 设计方法 flapping-wing micro aerial vehicle compound flexures design methods
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