

Fountain code based data recovery system for cloud storage
摘要 云存储服务作为一种新的数据存储和管理服务拥有便携易用的特点,但也伴随着一个重要问题:如何确保数据的完整性和可恢复性.为了解决此问题,设计并实现了一个基于喷泉码的数据恢复系统.该方案采用喷泉码对数据编码确保一定篡改比例下的数据可恢复,同时验证数据完整性时采用哈希函数的时间复杂度.当用户担心自己的数据被篡改时,只需向服务器发出挑战,根据服务器的应答便可知晓自己存储的数据是否完整;一旦发现数据被篡改,可以立即要求服务器定位篡改数据并监督服务器完成数据恢复.通过实验分析,该方案在数据篡改率为1%~5%时完整性检测率能够达到99%. As a new service for data storage and management,cloud storage has the virtue of portability and simplicity in use.However,it also prompts a significant problem of ensuring the integrity and recovery of data.A data recovery system for cloud storage based on fountain code was designed to resolve the problem.In this system,the user encoded his data by fountain code to make the tampered data recoverable,and tested the data's integrity with Hash functions so that the complexity in data verification and recovery was reduced.Through this system,the user can verify whether his data have been tampered or not by sending a challenge to the servers.Furthermore,once some data have been found tampered,the user can require and supervise the servers to locate and repair them timely.The experimental results show that the data integrity detection precision reaches 99% when the data's manipulation rate is 1%-5%.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期986-993,共8页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61175123) 福建省高校产学合作重大项目(2010H6007) 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2011J05148)
关键词 云存储 喷泉码 数据持有性证明 篡改检测 数据恢复 cloud storage fountain code provable data possession tampering detection data recovery
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