
创业机会识别研究现状述评及整合模型构建 被引量:55

A Review of the Literature of Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification and the Construction of an Integrated Model
摘要 本文首先在文献分析的基础上对创业机会的概念进行了比较和界定,对创业机会识别的相关概念进行了辨析,然后在回顾创业机会识别研究主要议题的基础上构建了一个"机会识别的影响因素—机会识别过程—机会识别结果—企业绩效"的整合模型,最后总结分析了现有研究存在的不足,并且对未来相关研究的内容和研究方法进行了展望。 Based on neurial opportunity and lated concepts. Then it sults of opportunity ide sues of entrepreneurial literature analysis, this paper compares and defines the concept of entrepre- discriminates between entrepreneurial opportunity identification and other re- constructs an integrated model concerning the influencing factors, process, re- ntification and corporate performance on the basis of a review of the major is- opportunity identification research. Finally, it summarizes the shortcomings of existing research and prospects the content and methods of future research.
作者 张红 葛宝山
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期15-24,46,共11页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目<基于中国情境的服务型小企业创业机理研究>(主持人葛宝山 编号:71072020) 国家自然科学基金重点项目<中国转型经济背景下企业创业机会与资源开发行为研究>(主持人蔡莉 编号:71232011)
关键词 创业机会 机会识别 机会发现 综述 entrepreneurial opportunity opportunity identification opportunity discovery review
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