Objective: To investigate the degree of nerve root compression according to the electroneuro physiology of patients with degenerative lumbar spimal slenosis(LSS). Methods: EMG examination was perormed in NCV, F waves , H-refleks of the tibial nerve, common peroneal nerves and sural nerve nuero, the mus- cles of lower limbs and paravertebral muscles. Results: Normal electronervsphysiology was shown in 27cases; Mild abnormality in 44 cases: Peripheral nerve CMAP amplitude was mild abnormal,or/and part of the muscles was neurogenically damaged. Severe abnormality in 54 cases: Multiple peripheral nerve CMAP amplitude de- creased obviously,or was not checked out. and Lower limb muscles and multiple segmental vertebral muscles were neurogenic damaged; EMG examination reference the degree of nerve root compression can guide LSS clini- cal treatment. Conclusion:The patients with severely abnormal EMG need surgery in time and the postop- erative recovery needsa a long time.
Journal of Epileptology and Electroneurophysiology(China)