以红柱石为耐火骨料,并合理选择烧结助剂等其它组分,研制了新型铸钢醇基涂料。试验表明,新型铸钢醇基涂料涂层中的红柱石粉在铸钢浇注温度(1 550℃)作用下,生成大量的高熔点莫来石相,使得该涂料层具有了良好的抗粘砂效果,浇注的铸件表面光洁,不粘砂,易清理,劳动强度低,且悬浮性、涂刷性、流平性及抗流淌性等工艺性能优良,同时与锆英粉涂料相比成本低廉,适用于各类型碳钢及中小型合金钢铸件。
A new alcohol-base coating used for steel casting was prepared by using andalusite as refractory aggregate, and other components such as sintered agent. The experiment results expatiated that andalusite powder in the new alcohol-base coating forms a lot of high melting point mullite phase under the action of cast steel pouring temperature, i·e 1550 ℃, which makes the coating have good anti-burn property, the coating layer is easy to detach, fall off, easy to clean up, after cleaning up the coating surface is bright and clean, which can avoid the phenomenon of adhering sand, and technical properties such as suspension, brushing, flowing and flow resistance are excellent. At the same time, compared with zircon powder coating, the price of this kind of coating is low and its source is wide, which can be used in various types of carbon steel and alloy steel castings.
Journal of Liaoning University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)
alcohol-base coating
cast steel