
新疆伊犁河谷地地下水质量与污染评价 被引量:9

Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Pollution in Ili River Valley of Xinjiang
摘要 利用新疆伊犁河谷地2003年和2011年地下水质量与污染调查评价工作所取得的地下水水质数据,采用单因子评价法进行地下水质量评价,采用同一水井2011年和2003年化学组分浓度对比法进行地下水污染评价。地下水质量评价结果显示,2011年伊犁河以北地区可以直接饮用(I~Ⅲ类水)或经适当处理可以饮用(IV类水)的地下水水井占调查总井数(7眼)的100%,不能直接饮用的地下水资源(V类水)占0;以南地区可以直接饮用(I~Ⅲ类水)或经适当处理可以饮用(Ⅳ类水)的地下水水井占调查总井数(10眼)的90%,不能直接饮用的地下水资源(V类水)占10%。影响地下水质量的天然化学组分主要为氨氮、总硬度、总溶解固体(TI)S)、S02/4-、CI-、高锰酸盐指数等。地下水污染评价结果表明,伊犁河以北地区地下水质量等级变差的水井占调查总井数(4眼)的50%、质量类别变好的占50%、质量类别不变化的占0;伊犁河以南地区地下水质量等级变差的水井占调查总井数(8眼)的0、质量类别变好的占62.5%、质量类别不变化的占37.5%。从研究区自然因素及人为因素两方面简析了伊犁河谷地地下水质量及污染现状,并提出了合理开发利用地下水的建议。 In this study, based on the data obtained from groundwater quality and pollution investigation appraisal inⅢ River Valley of Xinjiang in 2003 and 2011, the groundwater quality was assessed by using single-factor evaluation method and the groundwater pollution was assessed by comparing the chemical component concentration in 2003 and 2011 of the same well. The results of ground- water quality assessment showed that the groundwater wells with direct potable water (Class I-Ⅲ) or water potable after appro- priate treatment (Class IV) accounted for 100 %and the wells with groundwater unsuitable for drinking directly (Class V ) accounted for 0% of 7 wells in total in the north of Ill River Valley in 2011 ~while the groundwater wells with direct potable water (Class I -Ⅲ ) or water potable after appropriate treatment (Class 1V ) accounted for 90. 00% and the wells with groundwater unsuitable for drinking directly (Class V ) accounted for 10% of 10 wells in total in the south of Ill River Valley in 2011. The main influence factors of groundwater quality in natural chemical composition were ammonia nitrogen, total hardness, total dissolved solids (TDS), sul- phate, and permanganate index, etc. The results of groundwater pollution assessment show that the groundwater wells with degrad- ed groundwater quality accounted for 50%, the wells with improved groundwater quality accounted for 50%, and the wells withunvaried groundwater quality accounted for 0% of total 4 wells in north of Ili River Valley; while the groundwater wells with degrad- ed groundwater quality accounted for 0%, the wells with improved groundwater quality accounted for 62. 5 %, and the wells with un- varied groundwater quality accounted for 37.5% of total 8 wells in the south of Ill River Valley. In the end, the groundwater quality and pollution status were analyzed from two aspects of physical factor and artificial factors in Ili River Valley, and some suggestions for rational utilization groundwater were put forward.
出处 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2014年第3期32-36,共5页 Water Saving Irrigation
基金 水利部"新疆地下水资源调查与评价"(2002DXSPJ-XJ) 新疆自治区水利厅"新疆地下水资源利用与保护规划(修编)"(2011GH01) 新疆自治区水文学及水资源重点学科基金(xjswszyzdxk20101202) 寒冷干旱区水文水资源及水利工程新疆普通高校重点实验室基金(xjhwrhekl20130226)
关键词 新疆伊犁河谷地 地下水质量 地下水污染 Ili River Valley in Xiniiang groundwater quality groundwater pollutionn
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