Suzhou Creek is an iconic river of Shanghai. For often affected by storm surge disaster, tidal barriers had been constructed at its estuary for many times in history. Based on analysis of the historical evolution of the Suzhou Creek and its estuary, the locations, sizes, structures, operation modes of history and current barriers at the estuary are represented, and requirements from various to the barriers and roles of every barrier during different periods are also analyzed. According to the operation status of the current Suzhou Creek barrier, the paper analyzes the main problems of it, and proposes measures to improve recommendations, including monitoring silt and periodic desihation, research risk of ship collision, research overhaul plan for the barrier. Finally, based on the future of urban planning, flood control, water resources and water environment improvement scheduling requirements, and the Huangpu River storm barrier and other related project planning, the future of Suzhou Creek barrier function and operation mode are predicted, so as to provide the relevant departments decision-making.
Shanghai Water
Suzhou Creek barrier Huangpu River Shanghai