In practical applications, we often have to deal with high-order data, for example, a grayscale image and a video clip are intrinsically a 2nd-order tensor and a 3rd-order tensor, respectively. In order to satisty these high-order data, it is conventional to vectorize these data in advance, which often destroys the intrinsic structures of the data and includes the curse of dimensionality. For this reason, we consider the problem of high-order data representation and classification, and propose a tensor based fisher discriminant analysis (FDA), which is a generalized version of FDA, named as GFDA. Experimental results show our GFDA outperforms the existing methods, such as the 2-directional 2-dimensional principal component analysis ((2D)2pCA), 2-directional 2-dimensional linear discriminant analysis ((2D)2LDA), and multilinear discriminant analysis (MDA), in high-order data classification under a lower compression ratio.
In practical applications, we often have to deal with high-order data, for example, a grayscale image and a video clip are intrinsically a 2nd-order tensor and a 3rd-order tensor, respectively. In order to satisty these high-order data, it is conventional to vectorize these data in advance, which often destroys the intrinsic structures of the data and includes the curse of dimensionality. For this reason, we consider the problem of high-order data representation and classification, and propose a tensor based fisher discriminant analysis (FDA), which is a generalized version of FDA, named as GFDA. Experimental results show our GFDA outperforms the existing methods, such as the 2-directional 2-dimensional principal component analysis ((2D)2pCA), 2-directional 2-dimensional linear discriminant analysis ((2D)2LDA), and multilinear discriminant analysis (MDA), in high-order data classification under a lower compression ratio.