Since doctorates have become the highest degrees that could be issued in high- er education, dissertations turn into an essential foundation for deciding whether the appli- cants are qualified for the achievement of degrees. The evaluation of doctorate, objectively, is conditional, for instance, innovation involved in the submitted dissertations, clear argu- ment or importance of consequence and so on. However, the evaluation of dissertations is much more subjective. From the birth of modern doctorate system, a peer expert was the one who decided whether the applicant was qualified for the degree or not. And yet the selec- tion of peer experts, the preference of study, and the standard of assessment are different in- dividually. Therefore, in the process of evaluation of dissertation, any inclination on either objectivity or subjectivity might influence the applicants of the doctorate significantly. Then, that how to take the objectivity or subjectivity in the evaluation of dissertation becomes the problem worthy of attention.
Journal of Higher Education