
高校辅导员情绪劳动策略与个体幸福感关系实证研究 被引量:4

On Correlation between College Advisors' Emotional Labor Strategy and Individual Happiness
摘要 高校辅导员情绪劳动策略与个体幸福感存在显著偏相关。表层扮演与情绪衰竭有显著的正相关,与工作满意度有显著的负相关;深层扮演与情绪衰竭有显著的负相关,与工作满意度有显著的正相关。此外对研究结果在高校辅导员的招聘、培训及待遇上的应用进行了分析。 There exists obvious partial correlation between college advisors'emotional labor strategy. Surface acting,in a remarkable way,is positively correlated with emotional exhaustion but negatively correlated with job satisfaction.Deep acting is negatively correlated with emotional exhaustion but positively correlated with job satisfaction.This paper also discusses how to apply the research results to the recruiting,training and treatment of advisors.
出处 《高校辅导员学刊》 2014年第1期22-26,共5页 Journal of College Advisor
基金 广东省高校思想政治教育课题(2011ZY002) 中央高校基本科研课题(x2jqD2118670)
关键词 高校辅导员 情绪劳动策略 情绪衰竭 工作满意度 college advisor emotional labor strategy emotional exhaustion job satisfaction
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