
临床护士心理弹性与职业倦怠的关系研究 被引量:15

A Study on Relationship between Psychological Resilience and Job Burnout of Clinical Nursers
摘要 目的分析临床护士心理弹性状况以及与职业倦怠的关系,从心理弹性的角度探讨临床护士职业倦怠,为其心理干预提供依据。方法采用整群随机方法,对600名临床护士进行心理弹性问卷和职业倦怠量表调查,以多元线性回归进行分析。结果临床护士总体心理弹性处于中等水平(2.42±0.49),从各维度来看,坚韧处于中等水平(2.56±0.52),自强、乐观处于中等偏下水平(2.26±0.43和2.09±0.45);临床护士不同转班方式、学历、医院等级、年龄、工龄、婚姻、用工性质影响心理弹性总分和部分维度(P<0.01);心理弹性总分和各维度与职业倦怠各维度显著相关,心理弹性可以预测职业倦怠水平(P<0.01)。结论临床护士总体心理弹性处于中等水平,有待提高。心理弹性对临床护士职业倦怠具有较大的影响,良好的心理弹性更有可能具有较强的抗压能力,更有可能体验较低水平的职业倦怠。 Objective To describe the status of psychological resilience of clinical nurses, and to explore the relationship between psychological resilience and job burnout of clinical nurses, and to explore job burnout of clinical nurses in the perspective of resilience and to provide basis and data for intervention of mental health among clinical nurses. Methods Cluster sampling was randomly selected, and Connor-Davidson resilience scale and Job Burnout scale were delivered to 600 clinical nurses, and then multiple linear regression analysis between psychological resilience and job burnout were carried out. Results The overall psychological resilience of clinical nurses was middle level ( 2.42 ± 0.49 ) , regarding 'all the dimensions of resilience they had middle level on tenacity ( 2.56 ±0.52 ) , lower-middle level on strength as well as optimism( 2.26 ±0.43 and 2.09± 0.45 ).The difference of overall resilience was very significant in shift method, educational background, hospital level, age, working experience, marriage and nature of employment and there were statistically significant differences in some dimensions of resilience among clinical nurses of the different demographic factors ( P〈0.01 ). The overall resilience and three dimensions of resilience were significantly related to three dimensions of job burnout among clinical nurses, and resilience could predict the level of job burnout ( P〈0.01 ).Conclusion The overall resilience of clinical nurses is in the middle level and further improving is needed. Psychological resilience has a great influence on clinical nurses' burnout. Clinical nurses who have good psychological resilience are more likely to have positive resistance to work stressors, and tend to experience lower burnout.
作者 魏雪梅 何剑
出处 《中国病案》 2014年第3期51-54,共4页 Chinese Medical Record
基金 四川省卫生厅科研课题(编号:130351) 南充市市级应用技术研究与开发资金项目(编号:2010SF21) 川北医学院科研发展计划项目(编号:CBY12-B-2P10)
关键词 护士 职业倦怠 心理弹性 Nurse Job Burnout Psychological Resilience
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