目的 总结分析瓣膜病变并发冠状动脉病变的同期手术治疗.方法 分析48例瓣膜置换术同期冠状动脉旁路移植术患者的临床资料.结果 5例发生低心排综合征,其中死亡2例.生存病例随访6~60个月,无心绞痛发作,无出血或血栓形成事件.结论 瓣膜置换术同期冠状动脉旁路移植术效果良好.良好的瓣膜病变矫治、心肌再血管化和心肌保护是手术成功的关键因素.
Objective To summarize the experience of surgical management for the heart valve disease associated with coronary disease.Methods Analyzing retrospectively the data of 48 patients underwent concomitant valve operation and coronary artery bypass grafting.Results 2 out of 5 patients who had low cardiac output syndrome died.All survivors were followed up for 6-60 months.No angina pectoris or hemorrhagic or thromboembolic events were observed.Conclusion Concomitant valve operation and coronary artery bypass grafting can be successfully performed in appropriate candidates with good results.
Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Research