
国家治理在中国的登场及其方法论价值 被引量:42

National Governance Comes on the Stage in Comtemporary China and Its Methodological Value
摘要 治理意味着共同目标的建构。治理理论在当代西方发达国家的应用和发展,不仅表现为学术角度的语源学考察、官僚制的历史主义考察和秩序价值的探讨,而且表现为以回应和民营化为手段、旨在提升公共参与水平和政府绩效的政府再造实践。在国家治理正式登场前,当代中国各地兴起了各种地方治理创新实践,但非制度化的动力机制使其往往难以为继。中共十八届三中全会提出的全面深化改革的总目标意味着国家治理的正式登场,其方法论价值主要表现在运作环境、目标体系、作用领域、推进策略和技术平台等方面;作为方法论的国家治理的限度体现在将治理局限于治理技术和治理机制层面,局限于作为激活既有制度体系的发展空间的运作手段层面,局限于国家治理的方法论层面。要突破把治理当作一种权宜之计,而将其视为技术、手段、目标和战略思想的综合,注重从公共权力的有效制约和公民权利的有效维护入手,就有可能实现治理优化制度、治理发展制度、治理成功制度的中国式发展目标。 The governance means the construction of common goals. The theory of governance in the application and development of the contemporary Western developed countries, not only is manifested as from academic study of etymology, the historical review of bureaucracy and the arguing of order value, but also as the reengineering practice of government which aims to enhance the level of public participation and government performance by the ways of responding and privatization. Before the national governance officially debut in contemporary China, local governance innovation practices appeared in different local districts paralleling with the pure theory research of governance in schoolrooms, and the non-institutionalized dynamic mechanism tended to be unsustainable. The Third Plenary Session of the Eighteen Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward general objective for comprehensively deepening reform, and this means that national governance officially comes on the stage, but its methodological value mainly displays in the fields of the system operation environment, the system of multi-level aims, promoting strategy and the construction of technology platform. The limits of national governance as methodology appear in the main three levels of being treated as governance technology and governance mechanism, as the operating method of activating the development spaces of the existing system, and as methodology of national governance. Breaking through the governance as an expedient measure, we must treat it as synthesization of technology, method, aim and strategic thinking, focusing on effective restriction of public power and the effective maintenance of the rights of citizens, then we can achieve Chinese development goals of optimizing the system, developing the system and succeeding in system by governance.
作者 唐亚林
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期128-137,共10页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"包容性公民文化权利视角下统筹城乡文化一体化发展新格局研究"(项目批准号:12&ZD021)的阶段性成果
关键词 治理理论 正本清源 治理创新实践 方法论价值 限度 公共权力 theory of governance reform from the bottom governance innovation practice methodological value limits public power
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