位于淮南矿区石盒子组底部的高岭石泥岩分布稳定,特征明显。借助 X射线衍射分析手段,发现了矿石以高岭石、石英为主,含少量的蒙脱石、伊利石和菱铁矿;利用化学分析定量研究了矿石的化学组成,确定了该岩石为一高岭石含量较高的高岭土矿床。
: There is a layer of Kaolin mudrock at the bottom of Shihezi formation in Liyi Mine of Huainan Coal Mining Administration, which is stably distributed and has distinct features. The mudrock mainly contains kaolinite and quartz and a small amount of montmorillonite, illite and siderite through X-ray diffraction analysis. Quantitative study was made on the chemical composition of these ores by chemical analysis and this mudrock was defined as a kaolin bed having higher content of kaolinite.
Mining Safety & Environmental Protection