

Hull form characteristics of future Australian submarine
摘要 澳大利亚出于国家战略威慑力和能源安全性的考虑,预计在2026年完成下一代潜艇的设计制造,以接替"柯林斯"级潜艇,实现情报收集、对陆打击、协同作战等多重目标。从澳大利亚2026年潜艇的设计理念和具体实现入手,分析其外形特点和改良后的总体性能;在不同雷诺数条件下,采用数值计算方法对2026年潜艇的光体模型进行三维粘性流场数值模拟,分析其快速性以及同一网格划分的计算准确性随速度的变化规律;在雷诺数为3.50×107时,选取同2026年潜艇模型主尺度(L和D)、湿表面积、排水量基本相等的水滴形潜艇光体模型,保证网格数量相近,对其流场进行数值模拟,研究不同外形特点对潜艇水动力特性的影响。计算结果表明,2026年潜艇采用的外形水动力特性略低于水滴形,原因是潜艇设计的边界条件包含水动力特性、总体布置、可靠性、经济性等诸多方面,选取各项性能指标时,要综合考虑,彼此兼顾,达到较优的平衡状态。 Collins,Australia's serving submarine is going to be decommissioned in 2025.To ensure a significant national strategic deterrent capability and the security of energy supply,Australia's next generation submarine is expected to complete the design and construction in the year of 2026.Instead of Collins,the submarine 2026 will satisfy the multiple military targets as follows,surveillance and intelligence gathering,land strike and coordinated operations.Based on design concept and concrete realization,hull form characteristics and the improvement of overall performance are analyzed qualitatively.Numerical calculations of the 3D viscous flow filed around the main hull model of 2026 were carried out at different Reynolds numbers.The calculated results show that 2026's hydrodynamic characteristics and the accuracy of calculations vary with the cruising velocity of submarine changes.When the Reynolds number equal to 3.50 × 107,the main hulls' hydrodynamic characteristics of submarine 2026 and teardrop were compared by the means of numerical simulations.These two different models are of the same principal dimensions,surface area,displacement and similar grid numbers in order to discuss the effect of hull form on hydrodynamic characteristics of submarine.It turned out that 2026's hydrodynamics performance is slightly lower than teardrop.Submarine design include several aspects including hydrodynamic characteristics,arrangement,reliability,economy,etc.It is significant to balance such aspects and to reach a optimal equilibrium state.In this way,with an appropriate hull form,the submarine 2026 is able to inherit the successful design experience of Collins and to retain an effective undersea warfare capability at last.
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2014年第3期151-157,共7页 Ship Science and Technology
关键词 潜艇设计 水动力性能 边界层 三维粘性流场 数值计算 submarine design hydrodynamic performance 3D viscous flow field numerical calculation
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