
第一次世界大战与“泛欧”运动的兴起 被引量:1

The First World War and the Rise of the Pan-European Movement
摘要 第一次世界大战是人类社会进入大工业时代以来的第一次大规模战争,它以空前的血腥和残酷著称于世。在一战的刺激、推动下,战后欧洲掀起了超国家联合的思潮。其中,以奥地利人库登霍夫-卡莱基提出的"泛欧"思想最有代表性,也最具影响力。卡莱基深刻地反思了一战的原因,大胆地预见了战后区域化时代的来临,明确地提出了欧洲联合的政治行动纲领。不仅如此,他还创建了"泛欧联盟"组织,多次召开了具有准政府性质的"泛欧"会议,在欧洲社会造成了积极、广泛的影响。卡莱基领导的"泛欧"运动为欧洲联合的伟大事业做出了卓越的、不可磨灭的历史贡献。 The First World War was the first great war since the human being entered into the industrial era. It was well-known for its bloodthirstiness and cruelty. The war stimulated and promoted the ideas of European unity. Among them the Pan-European idea of the Austrian Coudenhove-Kaler- gi was the most influential and popular one. Kalergi not only predicted the new trend of multi- po- larization in the World, drew up the blueprint of the United State of Europe, but also launched the Pan-European movement, held the Pan-European conferences. Kalergi made a great contribution to the peace and unity in Europe.
作者 李维
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 2014年第3期14-21,共8页 History Teaching
关键词 第一次世界大战 欧洲联合 库登霍夫-卡莱基 “泛欧”运动 the First World War, European Unity, Coudenhove-Kalergi, Pan-European Movement
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  • 2Vgl. Vanessa Conze, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. Umstrittener Visionar Europas, 1. Auflage, Gleichen.Muster-Schmidt, 2003.
  • 3Vgl. Anita Ziegerhofer-Prettenthaler. Botschafter Europas. Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kaler-gi und die Paneuropa-Bewegung in den zwanziger und dreiβiger Jahren, Wien. Bohlau, 2004.
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  • 7President Woodrow Wilson's fourteen points speech, 8 January 1918, in. David Welch. Modern European History 1871-2000, New York. Roudedge, 1999, p.85.
  • 8Pegg. Carl Hamilton, Evolution of the European idea. 1914-1932, the University of North Carolina Press, 1983, p.9.
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  • 2Jurgen Elvert, Mitteleuropa ! Deutsche Plane zur europaischen Neuordnung (1918-1945), Stuttgart: Steiner, 1999, S. 7.
  • 3Vgl. Vanessa Conze, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Umstrittener Visionar Europas, Gleichen : Muster-Schmidt, 2003.
  • 4Vgl. Anita Ziegerhofer-Prettenthaler, Botschafier Europas : Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove- Kalergi und die Paneuropa-Bewegung in den zwanziger und dreβiger Jahren , Wien: Bohlau, 2004.
  • 5陈乐民.《“欧洲观念”的历史哲学》,上海:东方出版社1988年版.
  • 6Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, Crusade for Pan-Europe, New York: Putman, 1943.
  • 7Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, Ein Leben fur Europa, Berlin: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1966.
  • 8Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, Ein Leben far Europa, S. 37.
  • 9Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, Revolution durch Technik, Wien: Paneuropa-Verl. , 1932, S.25.
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