
德国“习明纳尔”对美国大学建立初期历史学专业化的影响 被引量:2

On German Historical Seminar's Influences upon the Historical Professionalization in American Universities
摘要 本文试图从整体上呈现德国历史学"习明纳尔"对美国历史学专业化初期的影响。在对"习明纳尔"做了概念上的界定,勾勒了它在德国的发展之后,本文简述了美国留学生将其带回新大陆并使其在刚成立的各大学中生根发芽的历程。由于对兰克的思想在认识上存在偏废,所以他们更侧重"习明纳尔"的教学方法,而非德国史家本有的内部精神。美国学者认同并追奉了兰克的客观主义,通过传播"习明纳尔"这种新的教学方式,促进了美国的历史学专业化。 This article tries to provide an overview on the German historical seminar's influences upon the historical professionalization when the American universities were established. After outlining the German historical seminar's development, this paper describes the process that the American o- versee students brought the new teaching and research method back to their own country. Due to they did not completely apprehend the inner spirit of seminar, they paid more attention to the teaching method aspect, and thus a kind of objectivism approach was broad-casted and taught by seminars ,which enhanced the professionalization of history in America.
作者 孙琇
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 2014年第3期63-67,共5页 History Teaching
关键词 习明纳尔 美国大学 历史学专业化 Seminar, American Universities, Historical Professionalization
  • 相关文献


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  • 2Walter Prescott Webb, The Historical Seminar. Its Outer Shell and Its Inner Spirit, p.lO.
  • 3Walter Prescott Webb, The Historical Seminar. Its Outer Shell and Its Inner Spirit, p.3.
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