

High-speed Move Support Equiprnent in “Three-Weak Elements” Coal Seam in Fully Mechanized Caving Workface
摘要 快速移架装置的研制与应用 ,极大地提高了放顶煤支架在“三软”煤层开采中的移架速度 ,促进了“三软”煤层综采放顶煤工作面稳产、高产 ,提高了工作面的经济效益。 This-paper in troduces application and deve lopment of high-speed move -support equipment it improves move-support speed of caving support in “three-weak elements” coal seam,promotes stable high output in “three-weak elements” coal seam in fully mechanized caving workface,improves economic efficiency in this workface.
出处 《煤》 2000年第6期11-12,共2页 Coal
关键词 综采放顶煤 快速移架装置 “三软”煤层 受力分析 fully-mechanized caving high-speed move-support equipment “three-weak elements”coal seam
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