
2013欧洲泌尿外科学会《男性下尿路症状治疗指南》之解读 被引量:5

Interpretation of 2013 version of the European Association of Urology guidelines on the treatment of male lower urinary tract symptoms
摘要 欧洲2013版《男性下尿路症状治疗指南》拓宽了良性前列腺增生及男性下尿路症状诊疗的传统认识。在诊治下尿路症状时需要将整个尿路作为一个功能单元。关于下尿路症状评估和药物治疗的指南解读,有助于泌尿外科的临床诊治。 The 2013 version of European Association of Urology guidelines broaden the traditional diagnosis and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and male lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). When the patients with LUTS are diagnosed and treated, the whole urinary tract needs to be considered as a functional unit. It is valuble for urological surgeons to introduce the interpretation of the guidelines for evaluation and medication of LUTS.
出处 《上海医药》 CAS 2014年第6期7-10,共4页 Shanghai Medical & Pharmaceutical Journal
关键词 前列腺增生 男性下尿路症状 指南解读 prostatic hyperplasia male lower urinary tract symptoms interpretation guide treatment of ofLUTS
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