Autoimmune hemolytic anemia(AIHA)is uncommon but prospective fatal condition with an incidence rate of 1-3 per 100,000 persons.;(1,2)]AIHA is characterized by autoantibodies with specificity against red blood cell(RBC)antigens leading to an increased removal of red cells from blood circulation.;(1,3)]AIHA responds well to steroids,but most patients remain steroid-dependent,and many cases require secondline treatment.Currently,splenectomy can be regarded as the most effective and best-evaluated second-line therapy,but there are still only limited data on longterm efficacy and adverse effects.The monoclonal anti-CD20 antibody rituximab,another second-line
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) isuncommon but prospective fatal condition with anincidence rate of 1-3 per 100,000 persons.(1,2) AIHA ischaracterized by autoantibodies with specificity againstred blood cell (RBC) antigens leading to an increasedremoval of red cells from blood circulation.(1,3) AIHAresponds well to steroids, but most patients remainsteroid-dependent, and many cases require second-line treatment. Currently, splenectomy can be regardedas the most effective and best-evaluated second-linetherapy, but there are still only limited data on long-term efficacy and adverse effects. The monoclonalanti-CD20 antibody rituximab, another second-linetherapy, is effective only in short-term and not forlong-term. The efficacy of other immunosuppressantis poorly evaluated.(4) Accordingly, AIHA patients whoare refractory to conventional therapies still needalternative treatment.
Supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science,ICT&Future Planning(No.2006-2005173)