Congenital cataract is one of the important diseases that cause irreversible visual impairment on children. Compared with adult cataract, the surgery of congenital cataract is more complicated and the complications are more severer, especially the postoperative amblyopia often leads to bad prognosis. Therefore, the postoperative treatment is necessary to obtain the better visual outcome.The traditional visual correction methods after surgery include the combined use of spectacles, contact lens, and intraocular lens ( IOL ) , but some problems such as IOL power calculation and IOL implantation time are still controversial. Besides, occlusion therapy and visual training are also essential for preventing amblyopia after cataract surgery.Occlusion in an appropriate dose and course must be mastered, accompanied by visual training. Both of the operative eyes and normal eyes will be able to achieve much better visual acuity and color sensitivity, so that the binocular vision can recover and develop as normal function.
International Eye Science