
唐宋时期明州港对外陶瓷贸易发展及贸易模式新观察——爪哇海域沉船资料的新启示 被引量:19

Reflection on Tang-Song Maritime Ceramics Trade & Mode at Mingzhou Port——An Enlightenment from Archaeology of The Shipwrecks in Java Waters
摘要 本文通过对爪哇海域黑石号、印坦号、井里汶号三艘唐至北宋时期的沉船资料的分析,结合宁波考古发现和文献记载,以及明州港与东南亚、东亚诸国的贸易材料,我们得以对唐宋明州港对外陶瓷贸易的发展及贸易模式有所了解:8世纪晚期开始,明州作为越窑的启运港,是扬州港对外贸易的附属港口;9世纪晚期,明州作为越窑产品的主要外销港口,直接面向日本、朝鲜半岛和东南亚诸国。明州港和东南亚的贸易模式是与室利佛逝巨港间的转口贸易,其主要商品即越窑瓷器。这种贸易方式保持着一种连续和稳定的状态。而发现于西亚、中东的越窑产品,主要是从巨港运出而非明州港。而在跨越印度洋贸易的过程中,伊斯兰商人作为一股重要力量,不但参与海上贸易过程,还可能通过订货的方式影响到包括长沙窑、越窑等瓷窑产品生产的面貌。 A comprehensive analysis of the three ancient shipwrecks in Java waters, Southeast Asia —— Batu Hitam, Intan, Cirebon which are dated to the Tang and Northern Song dynasties respectively, the archaeological findings and records from Ningbo city, and the documents regarding the maritime trade and business between Mingzhou Port and the countries around Southeast Asia and East Asia shows that Mingzhou grew from a shipment port affiliated with Yangzhou Port only for loading of the products from the Yue kiln in the late 8th century to become a leading port exporting the Yue ceramics directly to Japan, Korea and the countries of Southeast Asia by the late 9th century. Mingzhou and the Southeast Asia formed a constant and stable re-export mode for trading Yue ceramics as the major items with the Palembang. The Yue wares found in the West Asia and the Middle East were mainly exported from the Palembang instead of Mingzhou Port. The Islamic businessmen were much involved in the trade and business cross Indian Ocean, and they were more likely to influence the feature and style of the ceramic wares made in Yue kiln and Changsha kiln by ordering the products.
作者 李鑫
出处 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期25-38,158,共14页 Palace Museum Journal
关键词 明州港 唐宋时期 海上陶瓷贸易 Mingzhou Port Tang-Song Dynasties maritime trade in ceramics
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