
QS婴幼儿乳粉新政:工艺问题的商榷 被引量:1

New QS of Infant PowderedMilk:Discussion on the Issues of Processing Behaviors
摘要 比较2013版和2010版以及更早版本的《婴幼儿配方乳粉生产许可审查细则》,可以发现在制造工艺方面有3个变化:一是湿法工艺放宽了对"乳原料"的使用范围,二是多出了一个"干湿法复合工艺",三是对湿法工艺区分出半成品"基粉"的概念。我国乳品工业在国家层面上的工艺性法规和标准历来并不完善。然而贯穿"从原料到成品"全过程的工艺标准,无疑是规范企业行为和保证乳制品安全和质量最重要的约束条件之一,其作用也是成品标准和其它法规无法替代的。据此,笔者对新版细则所涉及工艺的运用合理性,提出了3个值得商榷意见。 Comparison the version 2013 with earlier versions of Examination Details of Production License for Infant Formula,there are three variations can be found in process method. The ifrst change is for the wet method,the new version noted that resources has extended,that means not just raw milk,but milk powder is also al owed as a raw material. The second change is add ‘dry and wet composite method’. The third change is make a distinction in the wet process,established a new concept‘basal powder’ of semi-product. 〈br〉 In terms of Chinese national dairy standard system,it has already a lot of standards on dairy products,but stil lack of standards on dairy processing method. In dairy industry, it can be certain that the technological standard of dairy processing is one of the most important requirement to regulate enterprise behavior and ensure the safety and quality of dairy products. This paper is regarding to the reasonableness of processing technology in 2013 version of Examination Details of Production License for Infant Formula, in order to invite more experts to corrected.
作者 顾佳升
出处 《中国乳业》 2014年第3期63-67,共5页 China Dairy
关键词 婴幼儿乳粉 许可审查 加工工艺 专业术语 Infant milk powder permit review processing technology terminology
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