This article has analyzed the background of the medium and long-term development layout plan in the National Open University, pointing out that the most important innovation is to follow up the electronic public cloud service, which is showcased by the internet backbone industry development track "3(e-commerce, e-government and e-study)+2(e-medicine and e-housework)+1(e-agriculture) ", its exploration and coordination and its prospective random placement. Upon that, the article further indicates that research on the medium and long-term development layout plan in the National Open University makes it necessary to take into account the following three decisions: 1. Go on with the "to try, to do" and "survival of the fittest" development strategy which is being carried out in the Open University construction; 2. Go on with the "3+2+1" comprehensive planning, three decades and the three-step development strategy; 3. Go on with the prospective study and layout on different development stages of short, medium and long term.
Journal of Nanjing Radio & TV University
the National Open University, the TV and Broadcast University, top-level design, the medium and long term development, layout