以EVA(乙烯-醋酸乙烯酯共聚物)为基体树脂、TBEC(过氧化2-乙基己基碳酸叔丁酯)为交联剂、CHINOX-1010{四[β-(3,5-二叔丁基-4-羟基苯基)丙酸]季戊四醇酯}为氧化剂和Z-6030(γ-甲基丙烯酰氧基丙基三甲氧基硅烷)为硅烷偶联剂,制备出一种太阳能EVA胶膜。研究结果表明:当w(Z-6030)=0.60%(相对于EVA质量而言)时,EVA胶膜/玻璃的粘接力(160 N/cm左右)相对最大;该EVA胶膜经35℃平衡120 h后,Z-6030完成了向EVA胶膜表面的迁移,此时EVA胶膜的粘接力相对较大、耐湿热老化性相对最好;EVA胶膜经水浴浸泡9 d、35℃烘干48 h后,其粘接力基本丧失,故实际生产过程中应严格控制湿度,以确保其可靠的粘接力。
With EVA(ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer) as matrix resin, TBEC(tert-butyl peroxy 2-ethylhexyl- carbonate) as cross linker, CHINOX-1010{pentaerythrite tetra [β-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-propionate]} as oxidizer and Z-6030 (γ-methaeryloxy propyl trimethoxyl silane) as silane coupler, a solar EVA film was prepared. The research results showed that the bonding strength(about 160 N/cm) of EVA film/glass was relatively maximal when mass fraction of Z-6030 was 0.60% in EVA. The EVA film had the relatively larger bonding strength and relatively best damp-heat aging resistance because Z-6030' s migration to EVA film surface was completed when the EVA film was balanced for 120 h at 35 ℃. In order to ensure its reliable bonding strength, the humidity should be strictly controled in process of actual production because the bonding strength of EVA film was mainly lost when the EVA film was treated by immersing 9 d in water then drying 48 h at 35 ℃.
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