In order to define soil type in the main tobacco producing areas of Shaanxi Province, this study selected three typical soil profiles in the suitable planting areas(Luonan, Longxian and Xunyang Counties) and separately carried out field observation and indoor test to collect basic soil physical and chemical properties in each horizon. Based on the study of the formation conditions and characteristics of soil samples, the diagnostic horizon and diagnostic characteristics of each soil sample were characterized, as well as the identification in Chinese soil taxonomy system, according to the Chinese Soil Taxonomy(3rd edition). Results show that the identifications of the profiles are typic Ferri-udic Argosols in Luonan County, typic Calci-ustic Isohumosols in Longxian County and typic Hapli-udic Argosols in Xunyang County. In order to facilitate the extension and utilization of soil taxonomy system in the Shaanxi tobacco planting areas and provide scientific basis for soil planning in the Shaanxi tobacco planting base and international academic communication, com- parison between Chinese soil taxonomy and Chinese genetic soil classification was made.
Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation