
Cd污染土壤的植物修复研究进展 被引量:4

摘要 我国农业土壤重金属污染十分严重,在所有的重金属污染中,Cd以其移动性大、毒性高成为最受关注的重金属污染之一。修复Cd污染的土壤,已成为我国农业可持续发展亟待解决的问题。与传统环境修复技术相比,植物修复技术治理成本低廉,土壤破坏力小,安全性高,是目前发展最快的环境友好、经济、高效的治理技术。介绍了Cd污染现状、超积累植物的概念和特征、土壤重金属污染植物修复国内外研究进展,并对其发展趋势进行了分析。 Agricultural soil polluted by heavy metal is very serious in our country. Cadmium is one of the most important heavy metal elements for its mobile ability and high toxic. Hence, the investigation on remediation of cadmium contaminated soil is becoming an urgent issue to solve in the agricultural sustainable development. Comparing with traditionally environmental restoration technology, phytoremediation is an environment-friendly, economic, and efficient treatment technology with characteristics of cost-effective, low devastating and high secure at present. The paper introduced the state of cadmium pollution in soil, the definition and characters of hyperaccumulators, and reviewed the research progress of phytoremediation for heavy metal polluted soil in China and abroad. Meanwhile,the paper also discussed the development tendency of phytoremediation technology.
作者 孙大鹏
出处 《环境保护与循环经济》 2014年第3期53-55,共3页 environmental protection and circular economy
关键词 CD 污染土壤 植物修复 超积累植物 cadmium contaminated soil phytoremediation hyperaccumulator
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