
平面接触型铜铝过渡设备线夹的大气腐蚀行为 被引量:13

Atmospheric Corrosion Behavior of Cu /Al Plane Contact Type Terminal Connectors
摘要 为了解铜铝过渡设备线夹在工业大气污染环境下的运行状况,采用次亚硫酸钠+氯化钠水溶液盐雾试验,模拟研究了铜铝过渡设备线夹的大气腐蚀行为,探讨了大气腐蚀对线夹电学性能的影响。结果表明,铜铝过渡设备线夹大气腐蚀产物主要由铝、锡、铅的硫酸盐及水溶性氯化物组成。腐蚀初期,主要以氯离子对铝/锡铅钎料界面铝板表面氧化膜的点蚀为主;腐蚀后期,主要以次亚硫酸根对铝/锡铅钎料界面两侧的整体腐蚀为主,直至沿此界面裂开。腐蚀初期,铜铝过渡设备线夹的电阻率变化不大;腐蚀2天后,其电阻率大幅上升。研究结果对于线夹运行管理具有参考意义。 In order to evaluate the service condition of Cu/A1 terminal connector under industrial air pollution environment, the NaC1 + NaHSO3 salt fog spray experiment was carried out to study the atmospheric corrosion behavior of the Cu/A1 terminal connector, and the effect of the atmospheric corrosion on the electrical properties of the terminal connector was investigated. The results show that the corrosion products of the terminal connector are mainly composed of A1, Sn and Pb sulfates and water-soluble chlorides. In the initial stage of corrosion, pitting corrosion takes place on the A1 oxide film at the A1/Sn-Pb solder interface due to Cl-ions. In the late stage of corrosion, uniform corrosion takes place on the both sides of the AL/Sn-Pb solder interface due to the HSO3-ions, which even results in the fracture of the terminal connector along the AI/Sn- Pb alloy interface, as the corrosion time increased. Moreover, the electrical resistivity of the Cu/AI terminal connector increases slowly in the initial corrosion stage and increases rapidly when the corrosion time is increased more than 2 days. These research results have reference significance to the operation management of the Cu/A1 terminal connectors.
出处 《电力建设》 2014年第4期65-69,共5页 Electric Power Construction
基金 国家电网公司科技项目(2012QTXM0751)
关键词 铜铝过渡设备线夹 大气腐蚀 腐蚀产物 腐蚀机理 Cu/A1 terminal connector atmospheric corrosion corrosion product corrosion mechanism
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