
基于削峰填谷的钠硫电池储能系统技术经济分析 被引量:13

Technical and Economic Analysis on NaS Battery Energy Storage System Based on Peak Shaving
摘要 由于钠硫电池储能系统能量密度较大,能量成本较低,所以非常适合于削峰填谷等电力储能服务。以日本Meisei大学1 MW/8 MW·h的钠硫电池储能系统的运行数据为基础,研究了在日本、美国和我国的电价结构下该储能系统的技术、经济特性。研究结果表明,由于日本的峰谷电价差较大,美国有较大的峰谷电价比和容量电价,因此钠硫电池储能系统在这2个国家提供削峰填谷等辅助服务是可以盈利的,而在我国则不能实现盈利。为了促进钠硫电池等储能技术的可持续发展,应研究适用于我国电池储能技术的合理的电价机制。 The energy storage system of NaS battery is suitable for peak shaving because of its high advantage in energy density and energy cost. Based on the operation data of a 1 MW/8 MWh NaS battery system in Meisei University in Japan, technical and economic analysis on NaS battery energy storage system was performed under the different power tariff structures from Japan, USA and China. The results show that NaS battery energy storage system with supporting peak shaving can make a profit in Japan or USA while it can' t in China, because there are a bigger gap between peak and valley quantity price in Japan or a bigger capacity price and a bigger ratio of peak to off-peak electricity price in USA than those in China. Therefore, it is necessary to study reasonable electricity price mechanism for the battery energy storage technique in China, in order to promote the sustainable development of NaS battery energy storage technology.
出处 《电力建设》 2014年第4期111-115,共5页 Electric Power Construction
基金 上海市科委项目(12692104500 12DZ0501800) 国家电网公司科技项目(515111107X 52091113502K) 上海市教委科研创新项目(13YZ107) 智能电网储能技术上海高等教育‘085’工程建设项目 "能源经济与服务管理"重点学科开放课题
关键词 钠硫电池 储能系统 削峰填谷 电价机制 NaS battery energy storage system peak shaving electricity price mechanism
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