极化电子束在物理学及其相关领域应用十分广泛 ,要深入研究这些应用必须对电子束的极化度进行精确测量 ,通常测量电子束极化度的仪器有两种 :Mott极化度测量仪和光学极化度测量仪 .因光学极化度测量仪与Mott极化度测量仪相比有许多优点而倍受关注 .文章首先阐述了光学极化度测量仪的理论基础和实验原理 ,然后介绍了所研制的光学极化度测量仪的设计方案和物理结构 。
Polarized electron beam has been widely used in the research of physics and related areas.However,to perform such experiment,the polarization of the incident electron beam must be determined accurately.Presently there are two types of instrument to detect the polarization of electron beam,one is Mott polarimetry,and another is optical electron polarimetry.Comparing to the Mott one,the optical electron polarimetry has more advantages.In this paper,we present the fundamental theory and the experimental principle of the optical electron polarimetry.The full structure and character of our optical electron polarimetry are illustrated.Finally,using this apparatus,good experimental results are achieved for the measurement of the relative Stokes parameters of the simulated weak light,which were compared with\ the\ theoretical results.
国家自然科学基金!(批准号 :1 98740 37)资助项目