
论体育法的特殊性——以体育法的最新发展趋势为视角 被引量:5

The Specialty of Sports Law——From the Perspective of the Latest Trends of Sports Law
摘要 体育具有跨越国界和超越不同文化的能力。现实中,体育不仅是个人实现自我价值的手段,而且对社会普遍价值带来巨大影响。在体育与法律、经济、文化、科技、政治等领域交相融汇的过程中,体育法孕育而生。体育法作为一门新兴的跨学科研究,需要我们对体育法的特殊性始终保持关注。本文通过考察体育法的概念、渊源、司法性机构三个方面的内容,阐述了体育法区别于一般法律的特殊性,并结合目前体育法研究的热点,意图以此展现体育法为法律研究范式带来的全新图景。 Sport has the ability to transcend across borders and different cultures. In fact, sport is not only a mean of fulfilling personal values, but also has a huge impact on the universal values of the society. Sports law was born in the collision of sport, law, economics, culture, technology, politics and other fields. As a burgeoning inter-discipline, sports law calls for our attention to its specialtycontinuously. This paper describes the specialty of sports law which is different from these of the general laws through observing the concept, the sources and the judiciary bodies of sports law. Moreover, based on the present hottest issues concerning sports law, this paper aims to clarify that sports law would bring a new picture for legal research paradigm.
作者 罗思婧
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《北京化工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期15-20,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 武汉大学研究生自主科研项目"儿童运动员权利的法律保障制度"(项目编号201110601020017) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目
关键词 体育法 体育法的特殊性 LEX Sportiva sports law specialty of sports law Lex Sportiva
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