
我国失业保险金标准影响因素研究 被引量:7

The Influence Factors of Unemployment Insurance Benefits Standard
摘要 本文以2003-2011年我国省级面板数据为基础,利用可行的广义最小二乘法(FGLS),对影响我国失业保险金标准的因素进行了定量研究。研究表明最低工资、最低生活保障、职工的平均工资和人均GDP对失业保险金标准的影响显著为正,而参保人员的失业率对失业保险金标准的影响显著为负。因此,为了制定科学合理的失业保险金标准,充分发挥失业保险的功能,应扩大失业保险的覆盖范围,建立工资关联型失业保险金标准,并合理调节失业保险金、最低工资和最低生活保障标准之间的待遇梯度。 Based on 2003-2011 provincial panel data , this paper analyzes the influence factors of unemployment insur-ance benefits standard using Feasible Generalized Least Square method .Studies have shown that the minimum wage , the minimum living allowance , the average wage and per capita GDP have significantly positive impact on unemployment in -surance benefits standard , while the insured unemployment rate has significantly negative impact on unemployment insur -ance benefits standard .Therefore, in order to develop a scientific and reasonable unemployment insurance benefits stand -ard to give full play to the functions , we should expand unemployment insurance coverage , establish unemployment insur-ance benefits standard associated with wage and reasonably regulate treatment gradient among unemployment insurance benefits, the minimum wages and minimum living allowance .
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期57-63,共7页 Commercial Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于公平分配与就业促进的社会保障制度待遇标准 待遇梯度及其调整机制研究" 项目编号:71373152
关键词 失业保险金 影响因素 广义最小二乘法 unemployment insurance benefits influence factors Feasible Generalized Least Square method
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