
新疆维吾尔族人群中GRM7基因rs3749380多态性与精神分裂症的关联性研究 被引量:3

Association of GRM7 gene rs3749380 polymorphism with schizophrenia in Uygur Chinese population
摘要 目的 探讨GRM7基因多态性与中国维吾尔族人群中精神分裂症的关联.方法 利用Taqman探针分型技术对360例维吾尔族精神分裂症患者及384例维吾尔族非精神分裂症对照进行GRM7基因rs3749380位点基因分型,使用阳性和阴性症状量表对精神分裂症患者进行临床精神病性症状的评定,利用SHEsis、SPSS 17.0软件系统进行统计分析.结果 在病例组中,GRM7基因rs3749380位点的C等位基因频率为60.1%,T等位基因频率为39,9%,对照组中C等位基因频率为58.6%,T等位基因频率为41.4%;病例组中C/C基因型频率为38.6%,T/C基因型频率为43.1%,T/T基因型频率为18.3%,对照组中C/C基因型频率为35.9%,T/C基因型频率为45.4%,T/T基因型频率为18.7%,两组间rs3749380位点基因型与等位基因频率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);青少年病例组与成年病例组间,青少年病例组与青少年对照组,成年病例组与成年对照组间,rs3749380位点基因型与等位基因频率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同性别病例组与对照组间,rs3749380位点基因型与等位基因频率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);各基因型与精神分裂症症状无明显相关性(P>0.05).结论 GRM7基因rs3749380多态性和中国维吾尔族人群精神分裂症的发病无明显关联. Objective To investigate the association between GRM7 gene polymorphism and schizophrenia in the Uygur Chinese population. Methods rs3749380 at the GRM7 gene was selected for genotyping in a Uygur Chinese patients-control sample ( case = 360, control = 384) by Taqman assays. The symptoms of schizophrenia were assessed by positive and negative syndrome scale(PANSS) .SHEsis on line and SPSS 17.0 soft were used for calcu- lating the data. Results For rs3749380 at GRM7 gene,the C allele frequency was 60.1% ,and T allele frequency was 39.9% in the patients.In the control,the C allele frequency was 58.6%,and T allele frequency was 41.4%.In the patients,the C/C genotype frequency was 38.6%, T/C genotype frequency was 43.1%, and T/T genotype fre- quency was 18.3%. In the controls,the C/C genotype frequency was 35.9% ,T/C genotype frequency was 45.4%, and T/T geuotype frequency was 18. 7%. rs3749380 was not found to have genotypic or allelic association with schizophrenia(P〉0.05 ).And genotypic or allelic association with schizophrenia were not found between adolescent and adult cases,adolescent cases and controls or adult cases and controls(P〉0.05).The results showed rs3749380 genotypic or allelic was not association with schizophrenia in the different gender of the population (P〉 0.05 ). The genotypes were not significantly correlated with symptoms of schizophrenia(P〉0.05).Conclusion There is no as- sociation of GRM7 gene rs3749380 polymorphism with the incidence of schizophrenia in Uygur Chinese.
出处 《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期203-206,共4页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81360209) "973"计划子课题(2007CB512301) "863"计划子课题(2006AA02A407) 自治区自然科学基金项目(2010211A51)
关键词 精神分裂症 GRM7基因 单核苷酸多态性 关联性研究 Schizophrenia GRM7 gene Single nucleotide polymorphism Association study
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