Leading Undergraduates to participate in scientific research is a pivotal measure to cultivate inno- vative talents in research universities all around the country, in this study, 900 undergraduates of sci- ence and engineering in Huazhong University of Science and Technology were surveyed by a question- naire including the level of participating in scientific research and their innovative quality scale. The results suggest that there are some significant differences among the students who take part in the re- search and those who do dot. Mainly, the three innovative quality factors vary in the breadth and depth of expertise, the ability to analyze and solve problems, and the depth, agility, creativity of thinking involving in research or not. The frequency and intensity of participating in research impact the undergraduates' innovative quality greatly. Continuous participation in scientific research can con- tribute to the innovative quality of undergraduates, and especially help them to build a creative per- sonality. Accordingly, Building an undergraduate research system allowing all undergraduates to con- tinuously participate in scientific research is a feasible measure for the reform of the innovative talents cultivation.
Research in Higher Education of Engineering