
教育变革期的政策机遇与挑战——欧盟“核心素养”的实施与评价 被引量:175

Policy Opportunities and Challenges in Educational Change:Implementation and Evaluation of Key Competences
摘要 作为总体教育目标和政策参照框架的欧盟核心素养对欧洲各国的基础教育课程改革产生了深刻的影响。论文首先介绍了欧盟整体层面针对核心素养的相关教育政策和计划项目,进而对欧盟核心素养课程实施的现状进行了梳理,对跨学科素养的实施、核心素养与传统基本能力的关系以及核心素养的评价等当前欧盟实践中的热点问题进行了分析,以期从中获得启示和经验,为我国基础教育课程实施与评价的研究与实践提供借鉴。 As the overarching educational objectives and reference framework for policy making, The Key Competences have brought a profound impact on educational reform of EU member coun- tries. This paper firstly introduced the major policies and programs of EU on key competences, then focused on several hotspots in this field, including the current status of implementing the key com- petences in curriculum practice, the relationship between key competences and the traditional basic skills and the evaluation of key eompetences. The analysis of key competenees can give inspiration to China' s research and practice of curriculum reform of basic education.
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期75-85,共11页 Global Education
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划教育部重点课题"国际学习科学新进展及其对基础教育课程变革的影响--以发达国家或地区为例"(项目编号:DDA120192)成果之一
关键词 欧盟 核心素养 实施 评价 European Union Key Competences implementation evaluation
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