

Ocean Buoy Data Distribution Technology Based on Opportunistic Network
摘要 机会网络是无线传感器网络的新发展,具有不要求网络全连通的特点,与海洋浮标组网特点相适应。基于机会网络的海洋浮标数据传输技术是通过机会网络使得不具备远程回传能力的小型化、低成本海洋漂流浮标所采集的海洋水文数据也有机会通过网络化的方式将数据回传。本文提出一种针对基于机会网络的海洋浮标数据分发方案并进行了仿真,并分析该方案的适用范围,最后对下一步的研究内容与方向进行展望。 The opportunistic network is a new development in wireless sensor networks,the network does not require full connectivity with the characteristics and ocean buoys networking features to adapt.Opportunity to network based ocean buoy data transmission technology is making the network does not have a remote chance to return the ability of the small, low-cost ocean drifters oceanographic data collected through the network also have the opportunity to approach the data re-turned.This paper presents an opportunity for network-based ocean buoy data distribution scheme and the simulation and a-nalysis of the scope of the program,the last of the content and direction of future research are discussed.
机构地区 [ [
出处 《计算技术与自动化》 2014年第1期96-101,共6页 Computing Technology and Automation
关键词 机会网络 海洋 浮标 数据分发 谣言协议 洪泛 opportunistic networks ocean buoy data distribution rumor protocol flooding
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