
公共债务可持续性研究理论与方法评述 被引量:5

A Review of Theory and Method of Research on Public Debt Sustainability
摘要 在应对世界金融经济危机过程中公共债务的可持续性问题,即不引发财政危机的公共债务水平或路径的研究,更加引起全球广泛关注。国际上关于公共债务可持续性研究的理论观点与方法虽然零散但具有一致的内在逻辑。首先,归纳概述公共债务可持续性的概念含义;其次,着重从可持续性指标和可持续性检验两条思路,评述公共债务可持续性条件研究的内容和方法;再次,介绍了近年来公共债务可持续性边缘研究的新观点;最后,总结现有研究可资借鉴之处及其未来的研究方向。 Since the financial crisis spreads around the world, there is a growing concern about the sustainability of public debt, which focuses on the path or level of public debt that is necessary for ruling out a fiscal crisis. This paper aims to provide an overview of research on public debt sustainability. Relative conceptions are introduced and redefined at first, and there are two approaches we comment to assessing sustainability of public debt, one is testing whether the IBC holds, and the other is using indicators to know how far public debt departs from sustainability. Then we introduce some opinions different from, but relative to the sustainability of public debt. Finally the advantages of those researches and future tasks are discussed.
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期31-38,共8页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"财政货币政策协调中公共债务货币化问题研究"(13BJY157)
关键词 公共债务可持续性 政府违约 研究理论与方法 public debt sustainability government default research theory and method
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