The housing of the urban low-income is a world-wide problem. The developed countries in western world, such as United States, put into practice of the market-control housing policy. It succeeded well. But the recent subprime lending crisis has tremendously revealed that it is also crucial for the housing problems of low-incoming habitant by the means of market completely. In the present paper, based on the fore-mentioned background, re- ferring to research reports and academic papers on the movement of composing and management of the low-income habitants, the financial resource, design and construction methodologies, and also the distribution and supervised system, et al., the methodologies of the low-income housing system in United States was combed, while the re-con- sideration to the housing insure policy in the view of the subprime lending crisis was also discussed. In the present paper, it is suggested that the government should provide the land and its access for the residential house with nee- essary public facilities and the construction materials, and also support the housing construction financially and technically. The low-income housing should be divided into several categories for the different requirement of lowincome residents and managed by government, social organization and habitant themselves hierarchically. The government also should provide sufficient working chances to insure the housing market and set up the related policy, while carry out the inspection.
Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
subprime lending crisis
housing ensure
housing policy