

Design of electrophoretic e-paper driving chip based on FPGA
摘要 为了克服专用驱动芯片成本居高不下及软件驱动方式占用大量处理器资源的缺点,在分析主流的电泳式电子纸驱动设计方法的基础上,针对电泳式电子纸的显示特性及接口规范,提出了基于FPGA及IP软核整合的通用驱动解决方案,开发出可以适应多种主控接口及多种电泳式电子纸接口的驱动芯片,并利用VerilogHDL编程以硬逻辑部署方式实现了波形表的设计。仿真及实验结果验证了设计的正确性,驱动芯片性能优异,成本低,兼容性好。 To overcome the shortcomings of ASIC's high cost and MCU resource waste using software,the article proposes the universal driving solution for EPD based on FPGA and IP integration according to EPD's specification and interface standard.It has developed the driven chip for different MCU interface and EPD, and the design of waveform is based on VerilogHDL and implemented as hard logic.The results of simulation and experiment reveal the validation of the design,and it gets much better performance,much lower price and better compatiability.
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2014年第4期39-41,共3页 Application of Electronic Technique
基金 佛山市2011年产学研专项资金项目(110165)
关键词 电泳式电子纸 现场可编程阵列 IP软核 波形表 EPD FPGA IP soft core waveform
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